Signal paths, Usage, Signal paths usage – Grass Valley NV9000 Web Suite v.1.2 User Manual
Page 78

Drawing Page
The bottom half of the rectangle represents hybrid inputs and outputs, some of which might not
be part of the DHP core. Hybrid I/O includes disembedder ports, embedder ports, and MADI
input or output connections.
Signal Paths
Dashed lines represent standard inputs and outputs connected to the core. For instance, in the
illustration, INA 045 is a standard input and OUTA 455 is a standard output. See the
Solid lines represent paths within the DHP core. Single black lines represent video with or
without embedded audio. Blue 3-line groups represent audio disembedding and re-embed-
ding. The 3-line groups represent any number of audio channels (from 1 to 16), not just 3.
Short red lines represent connections to the disembedders and embedders of the core.
At the left side of the page are two regions:
Radio buttons.
The 4 radio buttons allow you to select what appears in the check boxes in the second
region. For instance, if you select the ‘Embedders’ radio button, a list of the embedders
appears in the second region.
Check boxes.
When you check a box in this region, the drawing shows all DHP elements that relate to what
you have checked. For example, Figure 3-5, on page 67, has embedder 19 checked. The
drawing shows the disembedders, standard inputs, and standard outputs that connect to
embedder 19.
Depending on which radio button you chose, the check box list will include special check
boxes: ‘All unused disembedders’, ‘All unused embedders’, or ‘All other DHP resources’. Check-
ing one of these boxes will result in the display of the named items.
Also at the left side of the page are two buttons:
Select All.
This is a shortcut that checks all the check boxes in the list and causes the drawing to show
all the items corresponding to all the check boxes.
Clear Selection.
This shortcut clears all the check boxes in the list. The result is that the drawing shows noth-
ing (except the rectangle representing the router).