Display options, Locks and protects, Display options locks and protects – Grass Valley NV9000 Web Suite v.1.2 User Manual

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NV9000 Web Suite

User’s Guide

ber of column pairs to display, according to the size of your browser window. (The default is

Lock and Protect NV9000 User Display

There are two radio button options for the display of locks and protects in the ‘Primary Level’

‘Auto Display’ causes a locked or protected field to show automatically the NV9000 user
name (and its database ID) of the user who locked or protected the destination.

‘Click to display’ causes a locked or protected field to show the NV9000 user name (and its
database ID) of the user who locked or protected the destination only when you click the
field. The field reverts to its normal content when you click the field again.

Locked fields are always highlighted in red. Protected fields are always highlighted in yellow.

The lock or protect highlighting is present only if the destination is locked on its primary

Whether sources are locked or protected is not indicated on the ‘Primary Level’ page.

Display Options

The primary level page you are viewing might have been configured so that its table entries
prefix a number (with a colon) to the source name. These numbers are device IDs for the desti-
nations and sources.

Locks and Protects

Locked destinations are represented by a red field in the destination column. Protected destina-
tions are represented by a yellow field in the destination column:

This illustration also shows a destination/source pair highlighted in purple.

There is a page preference (available in the sidebar) that lets you specify whether the NV9000
user name (and its database ID) of the user who performed the lock or protect is displayed auto-
matically or just when you click a particular field in the table. See


on page 90.

The number in parentheses is the database ID of the NV9000 user name.

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