Editing a dhp tab – Grass Valley NV9000 Web Suite v.1.2 User Manual
Page 38

Options Tab
Configuration Pages
Click the ‘Save’ button to complete the deletion. The configuration is redisplayed, now without
the tabs that were deleted.
If you change your mind about deleting a tab, there is no direct way to unselect tabs marked for
deletion. To cause the tab(s) to become unselected, switch momentarily to another page of the
Web Suite and return to the ‘Page’ page. The tabs will appear normally
Editing a DHP Tab
You can control the appearance and content of a DHP tab by editing its parameters in the
‘Pages’ configuration page.
A DHP tab has up to 4 sub tabs:
You can also control the appearance of any of these subtabs by indicating your preferences on
the sidebar of a particular DHP subtab when the subtab is displayed. (Click the blue bar at the
left of the Web Suite window to reveal the sidebar.)
Click on a DHP tab in the list of tabs at the left of the ‘Pages’ configuration page. The DHP tab
entry becomes highlighted and the DHP tab configuration fields of the page appear:
Use the check boxes at the right to enable or disable the display of any of the four DHP subtabs.
Specify the names (or titles) of the subtabs in the fields just to the left of the check boxes. You
can specify the title of the DHP tab as well.