Grass Valley NV9000 Web Suite v.1.2 User Manual

Page 54

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Options Tab

Configuration Pages

The square button at each point in the grid represents a crosspoint in a conceptual matrix.
Clicking a square button performs a take at that crosspoint on the levels you have selected.

The matrix is not the physical crosspoint matrix of any particular router.

A third axis of the grid represents levels. Although you can’t see the third axis, the buttons
show the effect of the third axis. The buttons at each point in the grid show the logical OR of
takes on the levels you have selected for viewing. That is, a button is highlighted if there is a
take on any of the levels at that (cross)point.

A matrix view has no subtabs. But unlike other tabbed pages, it is interactive: you can perform
takes, locks, and protects, set up breakaway and level mapping for takes, and release locks and

You can also control the appearance of the tab by indicating your preferences in the sidebar
when the tab is selected. (Click the blue bar at the left of the Web Suite window to reveal the

To edit a matrix view, click on a matrix view tab in the list of tabs at the left of the ‘Pages’ config-
uration page. The matrix view tab entry becomes highlighted and the matrix view tab
configuration fields of the page appear:

You can specify the name (or title) of the matrix view.

There are several editing options. There are two check boxes that control how sources and desti-
nations are displayed. There are 6 radio buttons in 3 regions.

The first region is for the destinations to be displayed in the matrix. The page can display infor-
mation either for all destinations or for selected destinations. (The matrix view provides a table

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