Grass Valley NV9000 Web Suite v.1.2 User Manual
Page 35

NV9000 Web Suite
User’s Guide
Load . . .
Click this button to load an existing Web Suite configuration. A dialog appears in which to
specify the configuration name:
Click this button to save the Web Suite configuration you have been editing. A dialog
appears in which you must confirm that you wish to save the configuration:
Save as . . .
Click this button to save an existing Web Suite configuration as another configuration. You
can also use this button to save a new configuration. A dialog appears in which to specify
the new configuration name:
Click ‘OK’. Then respond affirmatively to the confirmation message.
Click this button to delete the configuration that you have loaded. Then respond affirma-
tively to this confirmation message:
(If the configuration is presently assigned to a user, you will not be allowed to delete it. The
message is “Error: configuration is assigned to a user
cannot delete.”)