H3C Technologies H3C S6800 Series Switches User Manual

Page 359

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# Enable L2VPN.

[PE1] l2vpn enable

# Enable LDP globally.

[PE1] mpls ldp

[PE1-ldp] quit

# Configure VLAN-interface 20 (the interface connected to P), and enable LDP on the interface.

[PE1] interface vlan-interface 20

[PE1-Vlan-interface20] ip address 24

[PE1-Vlan-interface20] mpls enable

[PE1-Vlan-interface20] mpls ldp enable

[PE1-Vlan-interface20] quit

# Enable OSPF for LSP establishment.

[PE1] ospf

[PE1-ospf-1] area 0

[PE1-ospf-1-area-] network

[PE1-ospf-1-area-] network

[PE1-ospf-1-area-] quit

[PE1-ospf-1] quit

# Create an IBGP connection to PE 2 and enable BGP to advertise L2VPN information to PE 2.

[PE1] bgp 100

[PE1-bgp] peer as-number 100

[PE1-bgp] peer connect-interface loopback 0

[PE1-bgp] address-family l2vpn

[PE1-bgp-l2vpn] peer enable

[PE1-bgp-l2vpn] quit

[PE1-bgp] quit

# Create VLAN 10 and assign FortyGigE 1/0/1 to the VLAN.

[PE1] vlan 10

[PE1-vlan10] port fortygige 1/0/1

[PE1-vlan10] quit

# Create service instance 10 on FortyGigE 1/0/1 to match packets that have an outer VLAN ID
of 10.

[PE1] interface fortygige1/0/1

[PE1-FortyGigE1/0/1] service-instance 10

[PE1-FortyGigE1/0/1-srv10] encapsulation s-vid 10

[PE1-FortyGigE1/0/1-srv10] quit

[PE1-FortyGigE1/0/1] quit

# Create a cross-connect group named vpnb, create a local site named site 1, create a BGP PW
from site 1 to the remote site site 2, and bind service instance 10 on FortyGigE 1/0/1 to the PW.

[PE1] xconnect-group vpnb

[PE1-xcg-vpnb] auto-discovery bgp

[PE1-xcg-vpnb-auto] route-distinguisher 2:2

[PE1-xcg-vpnb-auto] vpn-target 2:2 export-extcommunity

[PE1-xcg-vpnb-auto] vpn-target 2:2 import-extcommunity

[PE1-xcg-vpnb-auto] site 1 range 10 default-offset 0

[PE1-xcg-vpnb-auto-1] connection remote-site-id 2

[PE1-xcg-vpnb-auto-1-2] ac interface FortyGigE 1/0/1 service-instance 10