Performing auto punch in/out, Checking a take, Virtual tracks – Teac DP-24 User Manual

Page 59: Performing auto punch in/out checking a take, 7 - recorder functions

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7 - Recorder Functions

Performing auto punch in/out

After finishing your rehearsal, perform the auto punch in/

1. Press the REHEARSE button to turn off the

REHEARSE button.

2. Press the RECORD (0) button.

Playback starts from the pre-roll point. You can

monitor both the track playback signal and the

input source signal.
When the punch in point is reached, the monitoring

changes to input source signal only, and the

RECORD (0) button lights.
When the punch out point is reached, the

monitoring of both the track playback signal and

input source signal starts, and the RECORD (0)

button becomes unlit.
Playback continues until the post-roll point and


Before starting the punch in/out recording, you can press

the REPEAT button so that the REPEAT button becomes

lit, and then, using the virtual track feature, repeat the

punch in/out recording until 8 times (8 takes).
After the recording, you can choose your favorite take

from one of the 8 takes recorded in the virtual tracks. (See

"Checking a take" below.)


You can undo auto punch in/out operations.

Checking a take

After recording a take, follow the procedure below to

check the take.
Once the punch in/out recording is completed, the

VIRTUAL TRACK screen appears as follows.

1. Use the JOG/DATA dial or the CURSOR (5/b)

buttons to select (blue highlight) a take from the


2. Press the F4 (


) to load, assign each virtual

track to a physical track, and check the playback.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 to check another take.

3. If you are satisfied with the result, press the

VIRTUAL TRACK button to exit Virtual Track mode.
To exit from Auto Punch mode too, press the AUTO

PUNCH button.
If you are not satisfied with the result, press the

RECORD (0) button again and record another take.

Virtual tracks

This unit allows 8 virtual tracks for each track.
Since there are 8 virtual tracks for each track, you can

record multiple takes of lead vocals or improvised solos,

and then choose the best takes afterwards.
After recording, assign a separate virtual track to a

physical track, and then record another take. By repeating

this process, you can use multiple virtual tracks to hold

different takes.


The virtual tracks are mono tracks. When assigning virtual

tracks to a physical track of a stereo pair, you must assign

them separately to the L and R channels.
Follow the procedure below to assign a virtual track to a

physical track.
1. Press the SELECT button of a track you want to

assign a virtual track to when the Home screen

is displayed, and then press the VIRTUAL TRACK



screen appears.

You can also press the VIRTUAL TRACK button first,

then select a track on the VIRTUAL TRACK screen.


When creating a song, the virtual track #1 is assigned to

each physical track.
Recording, playback, and editing is only possible with

virtual tracks assigned to physical tracks.
You can also assign an already recorded virtual track to a

physical track and record over it.
2. Use the JOG/DATA dial to select the virtual track

that you want to assign.

3. Press the F4 (


) button to assign the virtual

track to a physical track.
The assignment to the physical track is shown by an

icon on the screen.


To delete a virtual track, press the

F3 (


) button

in step 3 above.
A virtual track assigned to a physical track cannot be

You can assign an unused virtual track. The track

becomes an empty track.

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