Rehearsing the recording, Making the first recording, 6 - basic recording – Teac DP-24 User Manual

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6 - Basic Recording

Rehearsing the recording

This unit has a recording rehearsal function, so you can

rehearse without actually recording.
The rehearsal function is specially useful for the auto

punch recording and other recording operations. (See

"Auto punch in/out" on page 57.)
In a rehearsal, monitoring and other recording operations

are the same as for the actual recording, but the input

signal is not recorded.
To rehearse, press the REHEARSE button so that the

button becomes lit.
When you record in Rehearsal mode, the RECORD (0)

button flashes instead of becoming lit.
After finishing your rehearsal, press the REHEARSE button

to cancel the Rehearsal mode.

Making the first recording

Before beginning the following recording procedures,

connect a recording source (a microphone or guitar) to an

input, assign that input as the recording source for a track,

and prepare your monitoring equipment.
1. Press the REC button of the track that you want to

record on.
The REC button flashes red and the unit enters

recording standby.
A maximum of eight tracks can be recorded

When the REC buttons of eight tracks are flashing, the

other REC buttons become inoperative.

2. Set the recording level.

Use the TRIM knobs of INPUT A to H to adjust the

input level.
When doing this, adjust the level appropriately by

checking the OL indicator on the upper left corner of

the TRIM knob.
At the same time, confirm that the sound heard from

the headphones or monitoring system is not distorted,

and that an unintentional sound effect is not set up.


The level meter of the track that has an input source

assigned to it shows the input level after the application

of INPUT EQ (equalizer).
The OL indicator lights if the input is too loud.
If the OL indicator stays lit even when you lower the TRIM

knob for that input, lower the input source signal level.
3. Press the REHEARSE button to select the Rehearsal

In Rehearsal mode,


appears on the

upper left corner of the Home screen.

4. Press the RECORD (0) button.

The recording rehearsal starts, the RECORD (0)

button flashes, and the PLAY (7) button becomes lit.
The REC button of the track that will be recorded stays


5. After rehearsing your recording, press the STOP (8)


6. Press the REHEARSE button to exit the Rehearsal



disappears from the upper left corner of

the Home screen.

7. Press the RECORD (0) button.

The recording starts, the RECORD (0) button and the

PLAY (7) button become lit.
The REC button of the recorded track stops flashing

and becomes lit.

8. After finishing your recording, press the STOP (8)


9. If you want to check a part of the recording, use the

REW (m) (TO ZERO) button, for example, to move

to it (locate).


Use the TO LAST REC function to move to the last

recording position and the TO ZERO function to return to

the start of the song (


). For more information

about the rewind/fast-forward and locate functions,

see "Returning to zero (TO ZERO) and returning to last

recording position (TO LAST REC)" on page 55.
10. Press the PLAY (7) button to play back the

recorded track.
Use the track faders and STEREO fader to adjust the

playback level.
Use the MONITOR LEVEL knob or the volume control

on your monitoring system to set the final monitoring

Use the PAN knobs on the corresponding Mixer screen

to set the stereo position of each track between the

left and right speakers.


The track

PAN knobs on the Mixer screen of each

track and the track faders control the recorded track's

playback output signal or the monitoring sound of

the input signal. They do not control the signal being

recorded to the track.
If you are not satisfied with the recorded sound, repeat

the procedure above from the beginning.

This manual is related to the following products: