RLE Falcon EM User Manual
Page 70

FMS Web Interface
User Guide: Falcon FMS
56 970
Figure 4-3: Sample FMS Alarm History Page
The following format is used to record each alarm entry:
AH###-ID-Condition-Date Time (Value UOM) Label
AH### is the alarm entry index.
ID is the alarm identifier number; see APPENDIX E: Alarm ID Reference Tables, pg. 115.
Condition is On, High1, High2, Low1, Low2, or RTN (Returned to Normal).
Date and Time is the internal date and time stamp of the alarm condition.
Label is the alarm descriptor, up to 64 characters long.
Value and Unit of Measure (UOM) is captured for analog channels only. The value recorded is
the actual analog value that exceeded its alarm threshold.
The Alarm History log entries are color coded as follows:
Red A point that is configured for dial out (pager) is in alarm and is unacknowledged.
The alarm will be red if the point is configured for both pager and email notification.
Orange A point that is not configured for dial out (pager) is in alarm and is unacknowledged.
Blue The alarm has been acknowledged.
Black The alarm has returned to normal.
Unacknowledged dial out alarms (marked in red) can be acknowledged from this page. To do so, type the
appropriate code in the box at the bottom of the page and click the Acknowledge Alarms by Code button.
Acknowledge codes are set under the Phone Number or Email Configuration pages; see section 3-15.1
Configure Phone Numbers, pg. 42, for more information on configuring phone numbers.