Measurement Computing eZ-TOMAS version 7.1.x User Manual

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eZ-TOMAS & eZ-TOMAS Remote


Introduction to eZ-TOMAS 1-6

The data acquired by eZ-TOMAS and the supporting configuration information are stored in user-defined
files. This allows a single eZ-TOMAS system to be used with several different machines. The acquired
data is stored according to user-defined event changes, e.g., alarms, time, overall, and rotating speed.

Acquisition, instrumentation, and storage configuration parameters are also definable. These parameters
are stored over time. Configuration changes do not invalidate previously acquired data.

Control Pull-Down Menu’s Relation to Lower Panels

Note: In regard to eZ-TOMAS Remote, the following four features can be used in either monitor or controller

mode: Lock Limit Pointers, Show Gauge Setup, Show Gauge Values, Reset Peek Hold Values. These
four features are “machine local” only; meaning that their use [and the results of their use] never transfers
from client to server or from server to client.


The Acquisition Panel contains one slide switch, which determines the ON/OFF status of data acquisition.
Turn the data acquisition ON (Up/Green), or OFF (Down/Red).

Limit Check Panel

The Limit Check panel contains a slide switch, an alarm log progress bar, a padlock button, and an
button. The Limit Check slide switch determines the ON/OFF status of the Limit Checking feature [ON is
Up/Green; or OFF is Down/Red.

The Alarm Log Progress Bar graphically indicates how full the Alarm File is. The log can be accessed
from the Display pull-down menu. The most recent alarm event will appear below the bar.

When there is an alarm event, channel labels will flash until the event is acknowledged. Click on the
button to acknowledge all outstanding alarm events. You can right-click on a channel gauge to
acknowledge alarm events for an individual channel. To list alarm events for a given channel, right-click
on the channel’s gauge, then select the View Alarm Event(s) menu option.

The padlock button is used to lock or unlock limit pointers.

These are the buttons from the “Options” panel
[lower right section of the Gauge Window.
This figure shows their corresponding menu

Double-click in this area to add notes. Use the
up/down buttons to scroll through the notes.

This manual is related to the following products: