Measurement Computing eZ-TOMAS version 7.1.x User Manual
Page 22

eZ-TOMAS & eZ-TOMAS Remote
Monitoring a Machine 2-11
To set all gauges to the same type of spectral band, i.e., to
make a global change:
1. Open the Gauges pull-down menu.
2. Select the band of interest.
As soon as step 2 is performed, all gauges will change to the
selected spectral band.
Note: Selecting 1x Amp/Phase or 1x Phase/Amp results in
two gauge types. In both of these instances, a vertical
gauge will display for 1x Amplitude and a circular
phase gauge will display for 1x Phase.
To set all gauges to a previously established set of
gauge settings:
You must first have one or more saved gauge setup files.
When you have a setup that you believe you will use
frequently, open the Gauges pull-down menu and select
“Save Gauge Setup.” In the “Save As” window that
appears, select a Filename and a location. Then save the
.tgs file.
You can either:
(a) use the Gauges pull-down menu and select
“Recall Gauge Setup” or
(b) click on the Files> button. You can also affect the Gauge Window from the Edit pull-down menu.
Selecting “Gauge Preferences” opens an associated window. See following figure. From there you can drag a desired
spectral band type over to a specific gauge. The Gauge Preferences window is discussed in detail in Chapter 3, Edit-menu.