Function keys preferences – Measurement Computing eZ-TOMAS version 7.1.x User Manual
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eZ-TOMAS & eZ-TOMAS Remote
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Function Keys Preferences…
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eZ-TOMAS can be controlled through a network via keyboard function keys (F1 through F12). The Function
Key Preferences feature allows you to define computer keyboard function key actions.
Note: When you click on a Function Key row (such as F5 in the figure) a pull-down list appears – allowing for
easy selection of a function.
You can assign the keys to control starting and stopping acquisitions, limit checking, data storage, and to indicate
what project is open. Network Communication is via Port 7652.
You can assign the “File – AutoBackup” menu option to a function key. The AutoBackup feature allows you
quickly backup the current eZ-TOMAS Project. When this function is use a date and time string is added to the
project name. Note that the File Attributes of the backed up project are Read Only.
The AutoBackup feature can be useful in Conjunction with the Network access of the function keys.
You may contact IOtech for an example application.
If doing so, please request: EZT_netfkey.