7) topic: calibration, 8) topic: computers for data acquisition – Measurement Computing WaveBook rev.5.3 User Manual
Page 129

WaveBook User’s Manual –
IO version
Troubleshooting 7-21
(7) Topic: Calibration
Question: Should I calibrate my WaveBook system when I receive it?
Answer: No, because each WaveBook-related product is factory-calibrated to its rated accuracy before it
leaves the factory.
Question: When is calibration required?
Answer: Depending on your operating guidelines, your equipment will require periodic calibration to
ensure the original accuracy is maintained. We recommend that you have your WaveBook
system calibrated at least once a year. In addition, calibration is required whenever a change is
made to the signal path, for example, adding a WBK11 to the system.
(8) Topic: Computers for Data Acquisition
Question: What type of computer do you recommend for use with data acquisition devices such as
Answer: When selecting a computer for use as a data acquisition system look for one with an Ethernet
port, fast parallel port, disk drives with high rotation speeds and low access times. If you are
using a notebook PC, it should have a PCMCIA or PC Card slot.
Your operating system should be Windows NT, 2000, XP or later.