Wbk16 channels won’t calibrate – Measurement Computing WaveBook rev.5.3 User Manual

Page 118

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7-10 Troubleshooting


WaveBook User’s Manual -

IO version

13. WBK16 channels won’t calibrate.

Possible Causes

Details and Possible Solutions

Resistors are

positioned wrong

and/or poorly


If the bridge completion resistors (BCRs) and/or shunt calibration resistors were improperly positioned

or poorly soldered, the WBK16 will not calibrate properly. Check the BCR and shunt arrangements for

the applicable bridge configuration. Also verify that the BCRs and shunt resistors are properly

soldered. Test the solder joints by measuring the resistors through the header pins, which they are

soldered to. If they don’t measure within the allowed tolerance the associated resistors should be

unsoldered, the old solder removed, and then the resistors should be properly re-soldered.
The WBK16’s hardware setup section, in the WBK Options Manual, includes illustrations of various

bridge configurations. A PDF version of the document is included on the data acquisition CD.


parameters are


If invalid calibration parameters are entered into the WBK16’s calibration program, the channels will

not calibrate correctly. See note.
If using shunt cal, make sure that the resistor values used are actually simulating the expected amount

of bridge deflection.
Verify that units are used consistently in all pertinent entry fields. For example, if you enter the

maximum applied load as units of micro-strain, then enter the shunt units in units of micro-strain too.
For additional information see the “Using the Sensor Calibration Program” section of the WBK

Options Users Manual and the Wave Cal section of the WaveView and WaveCal document. PDF

versions of the documents are included on the data acquisition CD.
Note: WaveView’s System pull-down file includes an “Options” selection. If selected, a dialog box

will appear with a Calibration panel. This panel contains 2 radio buttons. The first selects the

Factory Calibration Table, the second selects a User Calibration Table.
Factory Calibration Table (default), the software uses the factory generated calibration constants

of each system component to achieve calibration of the system. This is useful if the system

calibration changes often.
User Calibration Table, the WaveCal program lets you perform a calibration of the complete

signal path from input to A/D stage. The cal constants are stored in the Calibration Table on the

WaveBook main board. Recalibration is required when any part of the signal path changes.

This method is useful when the configuration remains stable and you want slightly better


Active Bridge

Elements, or

Load Cell are

not adequately


Ensure that bridge circuits [including load cells] are adequately powered. Refer to theWBK16 section

of the WBK Options Manual for additional information.