1 - what is zonicbook/618e, What is zonicbook/618e ? 1 – Measurement Computing ZonicBook 618E rev.3.4 User Manual

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What is ZonicBook/618E ?


Front Panel

Rear Panel


ZonicBook/618E is a 8-channel dynamic signal analyzer used for vibration analysis and monitoring. It can
be expanded to 56 channels. The ZonicBook/618E hardware is the signal conditioning and acquisition
engine, while the software in the PC defines the specific analysis and monitoring features of the system.
Since the software in the host PC determines which ZonicBook/618E capabilities will be used, it is easy to
upgrade the system and add more capabilities over time.

A synopsis of the software packages follows. Each is discussed in more detail in chapter 4 and in separate
documentation. PDF versions of the software documents are included on the installation CD.

eZ-Analyst provides multi-channel vibration analysis and can overlay previously acquired data
while acquiring new data. Other features are: strip charts of the throughput data files, direct
export to the most popular MODAL analysis packages (ME Scope and Star Modal).

eZ-TOMAS (Total Online Monitoring & Analysis Systems) provides for on-line vibration
monitoring. eZ-TOMAS is most commonly used for monitoring rotating machinery.

eZ-Balance is used to balance rotating machinery with up to seven planes, storing the influence
coefficients from each balance plane. This allows future balance runs to be performed with no
trial balance run. The balance vectors are displayed on a polar plot, providing a visual indication
of improved balznce.

eZ-Rotate and eZ-RotatePlus provide in-depth post-acquisition analysis for measurements made
by the ZonicBook/618E on rotating machinery. The applications place special emphasis on order
normalization and order tracking by re-sampling the time domain data acquired from eZ-Analyst.
They can display order tracked waterfall, Bode plots of Phase and Magnitude, order tracks of
amplitude vs. RPM and color speed spectrum maps.

eZ-NDT is used exclusively in production applications to determine the quality of composite-
metal devices.

ZonicBook/618E includes a high-speed Ethernet engine powered by a PowerPC processor, enabling all
acquired data to be transferred to the PC in real time at 4+ Mbytes per second. This means that every
acquired data point can reside on the host PC’s hard drive, making re-creation and post acquisition analysis
of acquired data as precise as possible. Many other analyzers simply store frequency-domain information,
which results in play-back that is less precise than the original real-time measurement. In comparison,
ZonicBook/618E transmits all time-domain measurements. This means there is no data loss when
analyzing acquired waveforms. Since the data is already on the host PC’s hard drive there is no time lost
transferring data. This is not the case for many analyzers.

ZonicBook /618E


What is ZonicBook/618E ? 1-1

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