Measurement Computing ZonicBook 618E rev.3.4 User Manual

Page 27

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A Brief Look at Software 4-3

Windowing. eZ-Analyst includes Hanning, Blackman Harris, Flat Top, Exponential with variable decay
and no window for response channels; and Rectangular with adjustable window width, Cosine taper,
Hanning, Blackman Harris, and Flat Top for reference channels
Linear, Exponential, Peak Hold and Time Synchronous
eZ-Analyst offers resolution from 64 to 3200 Spectral lines

Frequency Range. From DC to as high as 200 KHz; the bandwidth is determined by the number of active
channels and sample rate.

Sample Rate. User selectable from 2.56, 5.12, or 10.24 times the frequency range selected to help in
acquiring that elusive transient.
Channels. Minimum of 8 to a maximum of 56 in increments of 8
Triggering. Any active channel may be used as an acquisition trigger. The trigger is adjustable on level,
slope, and pre or post delay as a percentage of the time window.
Tachometer. Four independent inputs for RPM measurements
Any number of active channels can be set as reference channels making MIMO (Multi Input Multi
Output) testing easy and convenient.


eZ-Analyst allows you to establish any combination of displays up to a maximum of 8 separate display
windows and 16 data traces within each window for unparalleled versatility. Each display set up can be
saved for instant recall providing unlimited display flexibility.
Display Windows. Up to 8 with 16 data traces per window in either real-time or post analysis
Functions. Available display functions include Time, Spectrum, Power Spectrum, PSD, FRF (Magnitude,
Phase, Real, Imaginary, Nyquist), Cross Spectrum, Coherence, Octave, Third Octave, Transfer Function
(Inertance, Mobility, Compliance, Apparent Mass, Impedance, Dynamic Stiffness), and Averaged Time.


All cursors are selectable as independent of display window or locked for automatic tracking of frequency.
Single. Cursor displays Time or Frequency with amplitude and overall amplitude
Band (Dual). Cursors display Time or Frequency with band overall.
Harmonic. Displays fundamental and harmonics with the number of harmonics user selectable. Harmonic
markers have fine tuning.
Side Band. Displays center frequency with ± delta frequency.
Peak. Displays peak amplitudes with user selectable number of cursers. You can select threshold level and
sort by amplitude or frequency.
Free Form Markers. Allows you to select up to 20 markers and that can be placed at any location on the
data display.

Supported Export Data Formats

UFF (Universal type 58 ASCII) or Binary; ME Scope Modal (Vibrant Technologies ME Scope native
format); STAR Modal (Spectral Dynamics STAR native format); and Microsoft EXCEL.

Overlay Data

Previously acquired data may be overlaid with new data while the new data is being acquired.

Record/Playback Data

eZ-Analyst allows you to record real-time data to the computer hard drive while viewing the data. The data
is saved on the computer hard drive as a contiguous time data file and can then be played back and
analyzed as though the data was being analyzed for the first time. The acquisition hardware does not have
to be connected to the computer to perform this function. Data can be recorded at maximum bandwidth and
the file size is only limited by the available space on the hard drive. During playback all display functions
are available.

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