4 - preparation for programming, Vehicle module field descriptions, System id – Gasboy Fuel Point Vehicle Module User Manual
Page 15: Vehicle module number (enter vm number), 4 – preparation for programming, Vehicle module field descriptions -1

MDE-4524A Vehicle Module Programming Manual· May 2006
Page 4-1
Vehicle Module Field Descriptions
Preparation for Programming
4 – Preparation for Programming
Vehicle Module Field Descriptions
The VM contains various data fields such as vehicle identification, allowable fuel type and
quantity, and miles or hours driven. It is important to understand these fields and their
interaction with the rest of the system. The Programmer is ordered from the factory to match
the base FMS, therefore, some of the fields described below might not be available with every
Programmer. Also, the VM does not use all of the fields that are encoded on a card or key, such
as the restriction digit, which serves no purpose with Fuel Point. Additionally, some of these
fields may be programmed into every VM at a site, but not prompted for during the
programming sequence, either for security reasons, or because the data is always the same.
Default prompts for commonly used fields are shown in parentheses after the field description.
System ID
The System ID is a unique number that identifies your system and safeguards against access
by users of other systems. Your unique System ID is assigned to the Programmer at the
factory; you will not be prompted for it during programming.
Vehicle Module Number (Enter VM Number)
The VM Number is used to identify the VM and is the lockout field used in the fuel
management system. The VM number length is fixed at 5 digits for FleetKey systems and
makes up the entire lockout field. For CFN systems, the VM Number can be up to 8 digits, and
can make up the entire lockout field for bit-mapped lockout, or can be combined with other
fields on the VM for limited lockout.
Every VM used at a site must have a unique VM Number because the Fuel Point Reader
uses the VM Number and System ID to monitor on-going transactions to tell if the
nozzle is still inserted into the same vehicle.