Trends, Chart tab, Toolbar – Contemporary Control Systems BASview User Manual

Page 79: Data tab, Points tab, Points column

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Trends automatically record point values at specified intervals to allow for later viewing. Both a graphical
line chart and a tabular text view are available.

Chart Tab

Depending on the way it is configured, the chart tab displays either one or two separate charts. The
upper chart normally displays analog values such as temperatures. The lower chart displays digital
(On/Off) values, and values with low, small ranges such as equipment modes (Off/Heating/Cooling) or
status (Off/On/Auto).

There is a divider bar between the two charts that may be used to resize the charts.

The left side of a chart shows the value scale. Along the bottom of a chart is the time scale. Both scales
are automatically adjusted to fit the data currently displayed.

In the background is a grid to show where the value and time scales intersect. To display information
about the value at that time, hover the mouse over the point where the chart line and grid line intersect.


— Export trend data to a .CSV file suitable for viewing in Excel or other spreadsheet.

— Select the start of the trend data to be viewed. The amount of data shown will depend on the

interval at which the data is recorded.

— Show or hide lines on the chart. This can be useful when some lines are obscuring others.

— Scroll back one screen of data.

— Scroll forward one screen of data.

Data Tab

The data grid displays the same data as the chart, but in a tabular text format. The first column is the
date/time of the reading. Each point is then listed in order, from left to right.

Any of the column headers may be clicked to sort the data by that field. Clicking the header a second
time will reverse the sort order.

If there is more data than can fit on the screen, a scroll bar will appear to allow scrolling through the data.
A mouse wheel may also be used to scroll.

Points Tab

The Points tab is used to configure the trend. Up to six points may be specified for a trend.

Points Column
Drag a point from the device tree and drop it in one of the slots. Dropping a point on a slot already in use
will replace the old point with the new point.

Changing or deleting points will erase any previously recorded data for that point that is stored with

this chart. The recorded data for the same point on other charts will not be affected.

Right-click a slot to clear the point assigned to that slot, or to clear all points from all slots.