Introduction – Contemporary Control Systems BASview User Manual
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Contemporary Controls BASview is a stand-alone, embedded, web-based graphical interface for building
automation and process/access control systems. Multiple protocols are supported including LonWorks,
Modbus/485, Modbus/TCP, BACnet/IP and BACnet MS/TP.
Some of the features include animated graphic screens, scheduling, historical trending, runtime
accumulation and alarm monitoring. All of these features are supported even with devices that do not
natively support them. BASview will automatically toggle outputs and change setpoints on schedule,
collect runtime and trend data, and monitor alarm conditions.
The BASview uses Flash memory for internal storage. It contains no hard disk or other moving parts. The
Linux operating system is used for enhanced security and stability. The unit is totally self-contained. All
set up and user interactions are performed via a web browser. No dedicated PC or external applications
are required.
The user interface utilizes Adobe Flash to allow for advanced graphical features, platform-independence
and drag and drop setup. No knowledge of HTML, XML, Flash, JavaScript or any other programming
language is required to set up or use BASview (unless Program objects are used for control logic).
Animated graphics
Internally maintained schedules
Trend collection, display and export
Runtime accumulation with email notification
Alarm condition monitoring with email notification
Calculated point values (average, min, max, etc.)
Database of up to 100 users and 100 user groups
Multiple simultaneous users
Activity log for tracking important user actions
Template system for quickly cloning points, graphics, devices or entire networks
Support for OEM templates that include all points, graphics, schedules, etc. for any device
Flexible point addressing system allows access to most proprietary structures, bit fields and objects
Calculations may be performed on data points when read or written (e.g. Deg. F to Deg. C or scaling)
Support for custom OEM plug-in software device modules for more complex data access
Support for up to 2,000 tree nodes which can be any combination of points, graphics, trends, etc.
There are no hard limits on individual nodes. (Practical limits on control points will depend on
communication speed and network bandwidth used.)
Supported Protocols:
Modbus RTU/485