Fan animation, Light fixture, Display and control components – Contemporary Control Systems BASview User Manual

Page 35: Check box, Combo box, Radio group, Spinner

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— The minimum point value used to control animations. See "Animate when…" above.


— The maximum point value used to control animations. See "Animate when…" above.

Stretch to Fit

— Allows the animation to stretch or shrink, otherwise it displays at default size.

Maintain Aspect Ratio

— This preserves the width / height ratio as the animation is resized.


— This softens resized animation edges. (Takes more memory, so use cautiously.)

Fan Animation
This simple fan symbol animates when the attached point value is ON or non-zero. It has one property:

Blade Colour

— This is the colour of the fan blades.

Light Fixture
This animation is ON whenever the attached point value is ON (non-zero). Its properties are:

Lighting Colour

— This sets the colour of the light.

Fixture Colour

— This sets the colour of the fixture.

Display and Control Components

These components display the state or value of a point and allow changing the value.

Check Box
This digital ON / OFF control works as in many programs and web sites. Its options are:

Background Colour

— This is the colour of the background area behind the checkbox.

Background Alpha

— Sets the background transparency: 0 is fully transparent, 1 is fully opaque.

Text Colour

— This is the colour of the text in the checkbox.


— This is the text displayed in the checkbox.

Combo Box
This displays the current point value and allows selection multi-state or digital values. Its options are:

Background Colour

— This is the colour of the background area behind the combo box.

Background Alpha

— Sets the background transparency: 0 is fully transparent, 1 is fully opaque.

Text Colour

— This text colour is based on the point’s multi-state or digital text properties.

Radio Group
This displays all possible multi-state or digital point values and allows one to be selected. Its options are:

Background Colour

— This is the colour of the background area behind the radio group.

Background Alpha

— Sets the background transparency: 0 is fully transparent, 1 is fully opaque.

Text Colour

— This text colour is based on the point’s multi-state or digital text properties.

This displays the current point value and has up / down arrows to raise or lower the value. The value
limits are set in the "Modifications" tab of the

point’s property screen. This component’s options are:

Background Colour

— This is the colour of the background area behind the text.

Text Colour

— This is the colour of the text in the spinner.