Multi-state point wizard, Multi-state settings tab, Multi-state text – Contemporary Control Systems BASview User Manual

Page 57: Modifications tab, Allow this point to be manually changed by users, In/out calculations, Multi-state, Point, Wizard

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Multi-State Point Wizard

Below are the settings for points with a point type of multi-state.

Multi-State Settings Tab

Multi-State Text
The multi-state text setting allows the point to be displayed as something other than numbers.

Several preset pairs of multi-state text labels are available in the drop-down box above the edit area. Any
custom labels may also be used by typing directly in the editing area.

The format for multi-state text labels is:





With the above example, if the value of the point is exactly 0, 1, 2 or 3, the corresponding word will be
displayed. If the value is less than zero, greater than 3, or not a whole number (for example, 2.5), the
point will display the exact numerical value.

For this point to modifiable by the user, the "Allow this point to be manually changed by

users" box needs to be checked on the "Modifications" tab.

Modifications Tab

The modification settings are used to determine if the value of this point may be modified by users, and
how to handle or restrict the allowed values.

Allow this point to be manually changed by users
This checkbox must be selected for the point to be modifiable by the user.

In/Out Calculations
In and out calculations are optionally used to convert raw point values from a device to more useable values.

For example, it is common for Modbus devices to represent a temperature as the actual temperature *10.
In this case, 75.5 degrees would be read from the device as 755.

To have this value treated properly, an In Calculation of @/10 would be used. The @ sign specifies
where in the calculation to insert the raw value from the device.

So in this example, it would calculate 755 / 10 for a result of 75.5. This calculated value is then used
everywhere else in the system instead of the 755, including on graphics, trends and alarms.

If the point is modifiable by the user, the Out Calculation should be the opposite of the In Calculation.
In this case it would be @*10.

If the user then changes the value of the point to 76.2, the calculation 76.2 * 10 would be executed and
the value 762 sent to the device.