Message tab, Message, Notifications tab – Contemporary Control Systems BASview User Manual

Page 72: Email to groups, Additional email addresses, Notify at, Notify again every, Runtime report

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Message Tab

This is the message saved to the database and emailed when the runtime is exceeded, or at specified
intervals. The message may contain the following codes to embed information within the text:


"@L2 has accumulated @R hours of runtime." is recorded as "Fan2 has accumulated 114.35 hour of runtime.".

Notifications Tab

Email to Groups
Select the list of user groups that should receive runtime messages. Every person in the group that has
an email address in the user database will receive the messages.

Additional Email Addresses
Any additional email addresses that should receive the messages may be typed here.

Notify at...
This is the percentage of limit to record the first message. For example, with a limit of 1,000 hours and
this value set to 90%, the first message recorded would be at 900 hours.

Notify again every...
This is the percentage of limit to record messages after the first. Using the above example, and this value
set to 5%, a message would be recorded at 90%, 95%, 100%, 105%, etc.

Runtime Report

Clicking this Toolbar button displays the state of all runtime accumulators. You can choose runtimes to view:


— Type a word or phrase. Press Enter to display only runtimes containing that word or phrase.

All/Near Limit/Over Limit

— Select from this list to display:

o all runtimes

o only runtimes near the limit

o only runtimes over the limit.

Refresh Button

— Refresh the runtime list from the server.

Reset Button

— Reset the above search options.

Also, the "Label", "Hours", "Limit" and "% of Limit" headers can be clicked to sort the list by that field.
Clicking the header a second time reverses the sort order. Clicking the runtime itself displays the

Runtime Editor


— if the user’s access permits it.