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User Manual
MX-CTSL Compliance Test System
California Instruments
Revision J
Specifying test sequences for Dips and Variations
The EN 61000-4-11 test suite consists of two types of tests:
Dips and Interruptions
Simulates short interruptions in AC supply
Voltage Variations
Simulates slow changes in AC supply
The user must select the desired test type before executing the test. Since both test types require a number
of test parameters, the test sequence
parameters must be entered in the data
grid or loaded from disk using the File,
menu entry.
Note that the EN 61000-4-11 specification
based on common types of AC line
disturbances found on the European utility
network. The test voltage levels and dip
durations required to perform an EN 61000-4-11
tests is not uniquely defined. Instead, different test
levels and durations are allowed for various product
categories. Product committees set these test
Figure 7-2: EN 61000-4-11 Voltage Variation
levels. For this reason, the test parameters used by the MXGUI for the EN 61000-4-11 test sequences can
be specified by the user or loaded from disk. This allows unlimited customization of both voltage
interruptions and voltage variations tests. Up to 100 sequences of voltage dips at various levels, phase
angles and duration can be specified. Voltage variations can be defined by level, rise time, fall time and
hold time. Refer to Figure 7-2 and Figure 7-3 for an illustration of how these parameters affect the V RMS
output under the different standard revisions.
Figure 7-3: EN 61000-4-11 Voltage Variation
specification – Edition 2.0