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User Manual

MX-CTSL Compliance Test System

California Instruments

Revision H




The following measurements are performed during the IEC 1000-4-13 test run.


Voltage Waveform Time Domain

This Tab displays the voltage waveform as captured at the EUT by the MX Series' data acquisition system.
This information is updated every couple of seconds and allows the user to monitor the stimulus applied to
the EUT. This TAB is only used for display purposes and contains no user controls.


Resonance Points

During the test run, the voltage waveform is captured and displayed in the Waveform display Tab page.
This allows the user to determine if the EUT continues to operate. There may be effects on the EUT such
as reboots or processor lockups that cannot be seen by observing the EUT load current. Frequency is not
measured as it remains at the nominal frequency specified.

The resonance points Tab displays the EUT current as a function of the harmonic and interharmonic
frequencies applied to the EUT during the test. This information is displayed both numerically in the table
on the left and graphically in the chart on the right. Those points that meet the criteria for a resonance point
are listed in the table directly below the graph. Note that there may not be any resonance points on a given
EUT. In that case, this table will be empty. The total number of resonance points found is shown between
the graph and the resonance point table.

The are no user controls or settings on this Tab as it is used for data display only. Test results may be
printed to the default Windows printer using the print button or the File, Print menu.


EN 61000-4-13 Test Reports

The EN 61000-4-13 test module produces a test report when the Print Report button is clicked. Reports can
also be printed from the File, Print menu. Test reports include all selected test parameters and options. The
report format used can be direct output to a printer or generation of an MS Word report. The desired report
format can be selected from the Options menu, under IEC Report Setup. A sample section of an EN 61000-
4-13 test report is shown below. MS Word reports are automatically saved in the C:\Program
Files\California Instruments\MXGUI\Reports directory.

This manual is related to the following products: