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User Manual
MX-CTSL Compliance Test System
California Instruments
Revision J
3.7 Functional Test
If it is desired to perform a functional test of the system, the following procedure can be used. However,
the A/D signal card and the CTSMXL Software must first be installed for proper operation. See installation
instructions later in this section.
Work carefully when performing this test, hazardous voltages will be present on the AC input
and output connections during this test.
Refer to Error! Reference source not found. for detailed installation diagrams.
1. Connect a current transformer to the neutral wire going into the AC input port at TB4 on the rear of the
PACS-3-75 unit. Connect the CT output to a DMM to read the actual input current.
2. Connect a DMM to the line and neutral connections at TB4 inside the rear panel.
3. Connect a 10
load to the rear panel AC outlet port at TB3, phase A to Neutral.
4. Enable the AC power input to the PACS-3-75 unit, whether from the line or from a power source. Apply
120Volts AC at 60Hz.
5. Start the CTSMXL Software in harmonics mode and measure the load current and voltage from the
MXCTSL GUI. Verify the GUI readings and the external DMM readings for current and voltage are
within 1% of each other.
6. Turn off AC source output and repeat steps 2 through 5 for phases B and C. If a suitable three-phase
load is available, all three phases can be checked at once.
In the unlikely event the system does not pass the functional test, refer to the calibration procedure in
section 17, or, refer to the service procedure in Section 19. If the problem cannot be resolved, call
California Instruments’ customer satisfaction department for further assistance.