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User Manual
MX-CTSL Compliance Test System
California Instruments
Revision J
Compliance Statement:
Based on the hardware specifications of the AC source in use, not all requirements for EN 61000-4-11 test
generators may be met. In particular, the 1 to 5 microsecond rise and fall time called out in the specification
is not met by most AC sources. This is unlikely to have any effect on the outcome of the test however. A unit
that fails a voltage dropout with a 80 microsecond rise and fall time will not likely pass the same dropout
performed at 5 microseconds rise and fall times and vice versa.
Also, the 500 Amps inrush current capability is not met. This requirement does not have to be met if the unit
under test does not draw more inrush current than the AC source can deliver. The peak current pre-test
option may be used to verify inrush capability of the source for the unit under test.