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User Manual
MX-CTSL Compliance Test System
California Instruments
Revision J
Field / Control
Stop button
Upper left
Stop the acquisition process. The Stop button can be used to abort a
test prematurely. The data files will be closed and will only contain data
up to the point at which the test was aborted. Test log will indicate if the
test completed normally or was aborted by the user.
Report button
Upper left
The Print Summary button generates a test report in an MS Word doc
file. This report contains both the voltage and current waveform and the
harmonics display graph. It also includes the current and voltage
harmonics in absolute values and as a percentage of the applied IEC
Upper left
These button controls may be used to turn the AC power source output
on or off. The configuration can be set to use automatic power on/off,
automatic on / manual off or manual on and off control of the AC
source. If no AC source control option is selected, the operator has to
use the front panel of the AC source instead and this button will not be
available. In manual mode, the operator must click on the Power On
button to turn on power to the EUT.
The data in the Window Data frame on the left side of the main
harmonics screen applies to successive acquisition buffers. Acquisition
buffers are 320 ms for 50 Hz EUT’s and 266.67 ms for 60 Hz EUT’s if
the 16 Cycle window size is selected. If the 10/12 cycle window size is
selected, the buffer size is 200 msec.
Frequency - Hz
Left panel
Displays the AC signal frequency in Hz. If the frequency is not 50 or 60
HZ, “F???” will appear in the field of VTHD and Source Qual. The test
will continue however but the results may not be valid.
Voltage - RMS
Left panel
Displays the Root Mean Square voltage of the AC source output for
each acquisition buffer.
Current - RMS
Left panel
Displays the Root Mean Square current to the EUT for each acquisition
I peak
Left panel
Displays the peak current value of the EUT current. If the EUT
produces no harmonic currents, the peak current is
2 times the RMS
I Fund
Left panel
Displays the value of the fundamental current of the EUT for each
acquisition window. The fundamental current is the current at 50 Hz or
60 Hz only, without any contributions from higher order harmonic
currents. If the EUT produces no harmonic currents, the fundamental
current will be the same as the rms current.
Crest Factor
Left panel
Displays the crest factor of the EUT current. Crest factor is the ratio
between the peak current and the RMS current.
VA Power
Left panel
Displays the apparent power consumption of the EUT for each
acquisition window.
Power - Watts
Left panel
Displays the real power consumption of the EUT for each acquisition
Power Factor
Left panel
Displays the ratio between real power and VA power of the EUT for
each acquisition window.
Window Result
Left panel
Indicates if the present acquisition buffer current harmonics exceed the
selected EUT current limits. If one or more acquisition buffers report a
failure, the overall test result will fail. This field will typically toggle
between good and fail during the test run.
Left panel
Provides information on the AC voltage distortion. If the source voltage
is affected by the EUT harmonics currents, distortion compensation will
be used and indicated in this field.