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User Manual
MX-CTSL Compliance Test System
Installing New CTSMXL Calibration Data
If you have send in the MXCTSL system for calibration at a remote calibration lab or at California
Instruments, the PC normally used to run the CTS system will typically not have the new calibration
on it when you receive the PACS-3-75 and A/D card back. The new calibration data will be
received on a floppy disk or emailed to you as an alternative.
To install the new calibration data, proceed as follows:
1. Insert the calibration disk received into floppy drive A
2. Open your Windows Explorer and select drive A.
3. Copy the Ctsmxl_calibration.cts file located in the floppy root directory
4. Paste this file to the C:\ root of the PC that operates the CTS system.
5. Run the CTSMXL program. Upon launch, the CTSMXL program will detect the calibration data
file, which should have a newer date and time stamp that the calibration data currently in use.
If so, the program will automatically read the new cal file and update its calibration database.
6. You can verify that the new calibration data has been loaded by selecting the "View,
Calibration Info" menu.
You can save the calibration disk if needed although annual re-calibration of the system is
California Instruments
Revision H