Dreamweaver html rendering control, Custom ui controls in extensions, Editable select lists – Adobe Extending Dreamweaver CS4 User Manual

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User interfaces for extensions

Applying changes to the user document

Dreamweaver HTML rendering control

In earlier versions of Dreamweaver (up to Dreamweaver 4), Dreamweaver rendered more space around form controls
than Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator do. Form controls in extension UIs are rendered with extra
space around them because Dreamweaver uses its HTML rendering engine to display extension UIs.

In later versions of Dreamweaver, the form-control rendering more closely matches the browsers. To take advantage
of the rendering improvements, use one of three new


statements in your extension files, as shown in the

following examples:

In most cases,


statements must go on the first line of a document. However, to avoid conflicts with extension-

specific directives,


statements and directives can now be in any order. But, they must appear before the

opening HTML tag. In previous versions, extension-specific directives were required to be on the first line of a file. For
example, the comment at the top of a Property inspector file, or the


directive in a command.

The new


statements let you view your extensions in the Dreamweaver Design view. You can see them as they

would appear when viewed by users.

You can see three examples where the dialog case is used in the following files in the Configuration/Commands folder:
CFLoginWizard.htm, TeamAdminDlgDates.html, and TeamAdminDlgDays.html.

The following examples show the Base Property inspector without the


statement, which improves form-

control rendering, and then with the



Custom UI controls in extensions

In addition to the standard HTML form elements, Dreamweaver supports custom controls to help you create flexible,
professional-looking interfaces.

Editable select lists

Editable select lists (also known as combo boxes) lets you combine the functionality of a select list with the
functionality of a text box.

Extension UIs often contain pop-up menus that are defined using the


tag. In Dreamweaver, you can make

pop-up menus in extensions editable by adding




" to the


tag. To set a default value, set the


attribute and the value that you want the select list to display.

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