Adobe Extending Dreamweaver CS4 User Manual
Page 239

Floating panels
/* create a flag that specifies whether an edit is being processed, and set it to false.*/
document.running = false;
/* this function called when document is edited */
function documentEdited(){
/* create a list of all the AP elements to be processed */
var dom = dw.getDocumentDOM();
document.layers = dom.getElementsByTagName("layer");
document.numLayers = document.layers.length;
document.numProcessed = 0;
/* set a timer to call processLayer(); if we didn't get
* to finish processing the previous edit, then the timer
* is already set. */
if (document.running = false){
setTimeout("processLayer()", 500);
/* set the processing flag to true */
document.running = true;
/* process one AP element*/
function processLayer(){
/* display information for the next unprocessed AP element.
displayLayer() is a function you would write to
perform the "magic".0*/
/* if there's more work to do, set a timeout to process
* the next layer.0.If we're finished, set the document.running
* flag to false. */
document.numProcessed = document.numProcessed + 1;
if (document.numProcessed < document.numLayers){
setTimeout("processLayer()", 500);
document.running = false;