Adobe Extending Dreamweaver CS4 User Manual
Page 344
Data translators
end = outStr.indexOf(' #>',start);
equalSign = outStr.indexOf('="<# if',back3FromStart);
attAndValue = (equalSign != -1)?false:true;
trueStart = outStr.indexOf('then', start);
falseStart = outStr.indexOf(' else', start);
trueValue = outStr.substring(trueStart+5, falseStart);
tokens = dreamweaver.getTokens(trueValue,' ');
// If attAndValue is false, find out what attribute you're
// translating by backing up from the equal sign to the
// first space. The substring between the space and the
// equal sign is the attribute.
if (!attAndValue){
for (var i=equalSign; i > 0; i--){
if (outStr.charAt(i) == " "){
attName = outStr.substring(i+1,equalSign);
transValue = attName + '="' + trueValue + '"';
transAtt = ' mmTranslatedValue' + count + '="' + ¬
escape(transValue) + '"';
outStr = outStr.substring(0,end+4) + transAtt + ¬
// If attAndValue is true, and tokens is greater than
// 1, then trueValue is a series of attribute/value
// pairs, not just one. In that case, each attribute/value
// pair must be encoded separately and then added back
// together to make the translated value.
}else if (tokens.length > 1){
transAtt = ' mmTranslatedValue' + count + '="'
for (var j=0; j < tokens.length; j++){
tokens[j] = escape(tokens[j]);
if (j>0){
spacer=" ";
transAtt += spacer + tokens[j];
transAtt += '"';
outStr = outStr.substring(0,end+3) + transAtt + ¬
// If attAndValue is true and tokens is not greater
// than 1, then trueValue is a single attribute/value pair.
// This is the simplest case, where all that is necessary is
// to encode trueValue.
transValue = trueValue;
transAtt = ' mmTranslatedValue' + count + '="' + ¬
escape(transValue) + '"';
outStr = outStr.substring(0,end+3) + transAtt + ¬
// Increment the counter so that the next instance
// of mmTranslatedValue will have a unique name, and
// then find the next <# conditional in the code.