Get_nets, Usage, Options – Altera Quartus II Scripting User Manual
Page 424: Description, Example, Get_nets –294

Chapter 3: Tcl Packages & Commands
Quartus II Scripting Reference Manual
© July 2013
Altera Corporation
get_nets [-no_duplicates] [-nocase] [-nowarn]
-no_duplicates: Do not match duplicated net names
-nocase: Specifies case-insensitive node name matching
-nowarn: Do not issue warnings messages about unmatched patterns
Returns a collection of nets in the design. All net names in the collection match the specified pattern.
Wildcards can be used to select multiple nets at once.
The default matching scheme returns nets whose names match the specified filter and nets that are
automatically generated by the Quartus II software from these nets. Use the -no_duplicates option to
exclude duplicated nets.
The filter for the collection is a Tcl list of wildcards, and must follow standard Tcl or TimeQuest-extension
substitution rules. See help for the use_timequest_style_escaping command for details.
# Find a net called "reg" using case insensitive search
get_nets -nocase reg
# Create a collection of all nets whose names start with "reg"
get_nets reg*
# Create a collection of all nets in the design
set mycollection [get_nets *]
# Output net names.
foreach_in_collection net $mycollection {
puts [get_net_info -name $net]