Setting up autonaming – EXFO FIP-400B Fiber Inspection Probe and ConnectorMax2 User Manual

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Setting up Your Fiber Inspection Probe and ConnectorMax2



Setting up Autonaming

Setting up Autonaming

The autonaming feature is useful to make a relevant naming scheme for
your tests. This also ensures that you do not overwrite files by mistake. You
can select which item goes in the file name (appears at the bottom of the
window), as well as the type of separator you want to use in between.

A preview is available to show you the final output of the file name.

The file name is made of one or more static parts (alphanumeric) and one
or more variable parts (numeric) that will be incremented or
decremented, according to your selection, as follows:

Note: To decrement values, the start number must be higher than the stop


The file name can be incremented using one or more identifiers. Selecting
a single identifier will follow the incrementation (or decrementation) value
you have set.

For single fibers (SF or Transceivers), when selecting more than one
identifier, the latter appear sequentially in the order that you have set, and
the incrementation will start with the last item in the list (the one with the
farthest indentation). For example, if you have a file name with the
Location, Cable and Fiber identifiers, in that order, the first item to be
incremented is the Fiber identifier, then Cable, then Location:

Location 1, Cable 1, Fiber 1

Location 1, Cable 1, Fiber 2

If you choose incrementation...

If you choose decrementation...

Variable part increases until it

reaches the highest possible value

with the selected number of digits,

then restarts at 1.

Variable part decreases until it

reaches 1, then restarts at the highest
possible value
with the selected

number of digits.