Project 168 light, sound, & flight, Project 167 orange light – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual
Page 81

Assemble the airplane using the instructions
on page 5, install the light motor (M7) into the
front of it, build the circuit shown here, and
connect the red & black jumper wires to the
light motor (red to “+”). Spread out the jumper
wires and be sure they will not interfere with
the fan on the light motor.
Place the airplane on a smooth surface and
turn on the slide switch (S1). The fan on the
light motor spins and lights, a siren is heard,
and the airplane slowly moves around due to
Variants: You can change the sound by
removing the 1-snap and 2-snap wires that are
at point A, or by moving them to be across
points B & C, or across points A & D.
Project 168
Light, Sound, & Flight?
Moving parts. Do not
touch the fan during operation.
Project 167
Orange Light
Turn on the slide switch (S1). Look at the red/yellow bicolor LED (D10)
in a dimly lit room. What color is the LED?
Variants: You can change the sound by removing the 1-snap and 2-
snap wires that are at point A, or by moving them to be across points B
& C, or across points A & D. The LED color may also appear to change
The color on the LED is a blend of red & yellow, and
looks like orange.
The alarm IC (U2) is turning on and off rapidly to
create the siren sound pattern heard from the
speaker (SP2), and this also causes the 1mF
capacitor (C7) to be charged and discharged rapidly.
The LED is yellow when C7 is charging, and red
when C7 is discharging. The color is changing so fast
that it appears orange to your eyes.
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