Advanced troubleshooting, Elenco – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual
Page 15

Advanced Troubleshooting
(Adult supervision recommended)
Alarm IC (U2)
: Build project 158, and the
variants for it. Each arrangement should
produce a siren sound, or U2 is broken.
Motion Detector (U7)
: Build project 18.
The LED (D8) should light for a few
seconds on power-up and then whenever
the circuit detects motion.
Switcher (S6):
Build this mini-circuit. The
LED (D10) should be red when S6 is in the
top position, off when S6 is in the middle
position, and yellow when S6 is in the
bottom position; otherwise S6 is broken.
1mF (C7) and 100mF (C4) capacitors:
Build project 139. Touch C4 or C7 across
points A & B, then across points C & D; the
LED (D10) should flash (brightly for C4 and
dimly for C7) or the capacitor is broken.
150 Carpenter Avenue
Wheeling, IL 60090 U.S.A.
Phone: (847) 541-3800
Fax: (847) 520-0085
e-mail: [email protected]
You may order additional / replacement
parts at:
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