Project 56 fun with pulleys, Project 55 make your own patterns – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual

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Draw your own patterns on paper

or cardboard, then cut them to the

same size as our discs. You can

also draw patterns on the backs of

our discs. Put them in the merry-

go-round base and repeat the

preceding project. Have a contest

with your friends to see who can

make the most interesting hypnotic

or strobe effects! You can also find

lots of fun patterns and visual

illusions by doing a search on the


Project 55

Make Your

Own Patterns

Build the circuit shown. Mount the 0.9” pulley on the geared motor (GM), mount the 1.3” pulley on the “+”

shaped bar, place the “+” bar into the pivot stand, and then align the position of the 1.3” pulley on the “+”

shaft so it is the same height as the 0.9” pulley. Place the rubber band around both pulleys. Either insert

some of the cardboard figures into the 3 slots on the edge of the merry-go-round base, or install one of

the colored discs into the base. Mount the merry-go-round base onto the top of the “+” shaped bar.
Turn on the slide switch (S1), and notice how fast the merry-go-round (or disc) is spinning. If the

pulley slides down the “+” bar during use then add a rubber ring to keep it in place.
Part B: Swap the positions of the 0.9” and 1.3” pulleys, so that the larger pulley is on the geared

motor and the smaller one is on the “+” shaped bar. Notice how much faster the merry-go-round is

spinning now. Compare the size difference between the pulleys to how much faster one is spinning.
Part C: Remove the pivot stand and mount the merry-go-round base directly on the geared motor.

Compare the speed to how it was when using the pulleys.
Part D: Try replacing the 3-snap wire with a second battery holder (B1). This can be done with any

of the above gear arrangements. The additional battery voltage makes things spin faster.
Part E: Replace the rubber band with one from your home, and change the location of the pivot stand on

the base grid so there is tension in your rubber band. Don’t make the band too tight, because then the

snaps on the pivot stand may not be able to hold it in place. Turn on the circuit and see how well it works.


If the pivot stand comes off the base grid due to the tension of the rubber band, see the next

project for help.

Project 56

Fun with Pulleys

Pulleys can be used to make things spin faster or

slower. When one pulley is larger than another, it will

spin slower. Using pulleys to reduce rotation speed

also increases the turning force, allowing it to

overcome more friction.
Pulley transfer power across small distances, because

the pulleys are separated by a small gap, such as that

between the geared motor and pivot stand here.
It is important to have the proper tension in the rubber

band (or other material) attached between the pulleys.

If there is too much tension, energy is lost and there is

too much strain on the shafts and band, so these soon

break. If there too little tension in the band, the band

may start slipping or fall off. The bands used with pulleys

are typically made of durable materials like nylon.


If pulley slides down “+” shaft during use

then add a rubber ring to keep it in place.

Ledge must be on bottom side

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