Project 27 it’s a plane! project 29 idling plane, Project 30 light plane, Project 28 low power plane – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual

Page 27

background image

Assemble the airplane using the

instructions on page 5, install the

light motor (M7) into the front of it,

build the circuit shown here, and

connect the red & black jumper

wires to the light motor (red to “+”).

Spread out the jumper wires and

be sure they will not interfere with

the fan on the light motor.
Place the airplane on a smooth

surface and turn on the slide

switch (S1). The fan on the light

motor spins and lights, and the

airplane slowly moves around due

to vibration.

Project 27

It’s a Plane!

Project 29

Idling Plane

Project 30

Light Plane

Use this circuit, mount the color LED (D8) on the airplane and the red &

black jumper wires to it (red to “+”).
Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the LED shines. The plane will not move.

Project 28

Low Power


Use the preceding circuit, but

replace one of the battery holders

(B1) with a 3-snap wire. The

circuit works the same but is

much dimmer, giving some

interesting effects. For best

effects, view in a dimly lit room.




Moving parts. Do not

touch the fan during operation.

Use either of the two preceding circuit, but replace the light motor (M7)

with the geared motor (GM). Place the 2.55” gear on the “+” shaft of the

geared motor, and mount the geared motor on the plane as shown.
Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the gear spins like a propellor. The plane

appears to be idling with the motor running, and getting ready to take off.

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