Project 58 more pulleys, Project 57, Project 59 trip-wire lights – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual

Page 39: Secure pulley

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Project 58

More Pulleys

Repeat projects 56/57, but replace each of

the pulleys with the larger 2.1” pulley. Try

this both with the 2.1” pulley on the pivot

stand, and then with it in the geared motor.

Also try it with your own rubber band, as

described in Part E of project 48.

Project 57

In the preceding project, tension in the rubber band

pulls on the “+” shaped bar and pivot stand, and may

pull the pivot stand snaps off the base grid. If so, modify

the circuit to be the one shown here, which uses

additional parts (S4, Q2, and C7) to help hold and

secure the pivot stand in place. In part E, when

repositioning the pivot stand to use your own rubber

band, you can reposition S4, Q2, and C7 to help hold

the pivot stand in its new location.

This circuit is electrically the

same as the preceding one.

Parts S4, Q2, and C7 are only

used to help hold the pivot

stand in place, and have no

electrical function.

Ledge must be on bottom side

With the large 2.1” pulley on the pivot

stand and the small 0.9” pulley on the

geared motor, the merry-go-round (or

disc) spins very fast. With the small 0.9”

pulley on the pivot stand and the large

2.1” pulley on the geared motor, the

merry-go-round (or disc) spins very slow.

Project 59



Build the circuit shown and turn

on the slide switch (S1). Nothing

happens. Break the black jumper

wire connection and lights flash.

You could replace the black

jumper wire with a longer wire

and run it across a doorway to

signal an alarm when someone

You can reverse the red/yellow

bicolor LED (D10) to change its

color. The adjustable resistor

(RV2) is used here as a fixed

resistor, so moving its lever won’t

do anything.

If pulley slides down “+” shaft during use

then add a rubber ring to keep it in place.


Secure Pulley

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