Project 110 mini rechargeable batteries, Project 111 left right bright lights – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual

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Project 110

Mini Rechargeable Batteries

Turn on the slight switch (S1) and move the lever on the adjustable

resistor (RV2) around. The LEDs (D8 & D10) are bright if the lever is to

the far left or far right, and dim if the lever is in the middle.
Try removing the color LED (D8). This makes it easier to see the effects

on the red/yellow LED (D10), because it will not be blinking anymore.

You can also reverse the orientation of the red/yellow LED.

Project 111

Left Right

Bright Lights


This circuit is similar to the preceding three circuits, but uses the

switcher (S6) as a three-way switch so it is easier to compare the

difference between the 1mF & 100mF capacitors (C7 & C4).
With S6 set to the middle position: neither capacitor is connected to

the circuit, so nothing will happen when you turn the slide switch (S1)

on or off.
With S6 set to the top position: The 1mF capacitor (C7) is connected

to the red/yellow bicolor LED (D10). Turn on S1; the LED flashes yellow

as C7 charges. Turn S1 off; the LED flashes red as C7 discharges. The

adjustable resistor (RV2) controls the capacitor discharge rate, making

the LED either flash brighter or stay on longer.
With S6 set to the bottom position: The larger 100mF capacitor (C4)

is connected to the red/yellow LED. Turn on S1; the LED flashes yellow

as C7 charges. Turn S1 off; the LED flashes red as C7 discharges. The

LED is brighter because C4 can store a lot more electricity than C7

could. The adjustable resistor (RV2) controls the capacitor discharge

rate, making the LED either flash brighter or stay on longer.

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