Project 139 electricity you can walk away with – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual
Page 69

Project 139
Electricity You Can
Walk Away With
This circuit has two parts; build it as shown, but initially place the 100mF
capacitor (C4) across points A & B. Then pick up C4 and place it across
points C & D; the red/yellow bicolor LED (D10) flashes. Move C4
between points A/B & C/D several times.
In either location, C4 may be oriented in either direction, but its direction
determines the color of the LED flash.
You can replace the 100mF capacitor with the smaller 1mF capacitor
(C7), but the LED flash will be much dimmer.
Placing the capacitor across points A & B charges it
up, and placing it across points C & D discharges it
through the LED. Once charged, capacitors hold their
charge well - you can charge up the capacitor, walk
away with it for a while, then use it to light the LED.
Despite the “+” marking, connecting your capacitors
backwards across your batteries in this circuit will not
harm them.
Project 140
Electricity You Can
Walk Away With (II)
Modify the preceding circuit to match this one. It works the same way,
except the adjustable resistor (RV2) slows down the capacitor
discharge, making the LED dimmer but stay on longer. Try this at
different RV2 settings.
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