Project 122 generator, Project 123 leverage, Project 124 generator load – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual

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Project 122


Build the circuit shown, and mount the 2.55” gear

on the geared motor (GM). GENTLY spin the gear

with your hand in both directions while watching

the red/yellow bicolor LED (D10). The adjustable

resistor (RV2) controls the LED brightness, set it

towards the 2-snap wire for brightest. Do not try to

spin the gear with too much force or you may

break the geared motor.

Project 123


Use the preceding circuit but replace the 2.55” with one

of the others. Be GENTLE when turning the gear or you

may break the geared motor (GM). Compare how much

easier or harder it is to turn and light the LED.

Project 124

Generator Load

Build this circuit, and mount the 2.55” gear on

the geared motor (GM). GENTLY spin the gear

with your hand with the slide switch (S1) both

on and off. Compare how difficult it is to turn

whether the switch is on or off. You can also

try this with different gears. Do not try to spin

the gear with too much force or you may break

the geared motor.
You may notice air flowing in or out of the air

fountain (AF), but otherwise it won’t do

anything. It is not necessary or recommended

to place the spout or ball on the air fountain.


Normally, the geared motor uses electricity to create

mechanical motion. This circuit uses the geared motor

in reverse, to use mechanical motion (from you spinning

the shaft) to create electricity (to light the LED).
Nearly all of the electricity used in our world is produced

at enormous generators driven by steam or water

pressure. Wires are used to efficiently transport this

energy to homes and businesses where it is used.

Motors convert the electricity back into mechanical form

to drive machinery and appliances.

The larger the gear, the easier it is to turn the shaft and

light the LED. The size of the gear amplifies your power

to turn the shaft.

Compare this to using a wrench to tighten or loosen a

nut on a bolt. The wrench gives you leverage, increasing

your turning power.

It should be more difficult to spin the gear when the switch is on,

because the air fountain is acting as a heavy electrical “load” or

burden on the geared motor. Powering the air fountain takes more

energy than powering nothing (such as when the switch is off) or

powering an LED (like in the preceding circuits).

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