Project 97 adjustable slow off vibration light, Project 100, Project 98 color slow off vibration light – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual

Page 54: Project 99 very slow off vibration light, Bright slow off vibration light

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Build the circuit and turn on the slide switch (S1). Bang on the table or

tap on the vibration switch (S4) and a light comes on. The light stays on

for a while after the vibrations end. The lever on the adjustable resistor

(RV2) controls the maximum light brightness and how long the light stays

on after vibrations end; the brighter the light, the faster it shuts off.

Project 97

Adjustable Slow Off

Vibration Light

Project 100


When vibration is detected, the 1mF capacitor (C7) is charged

through the vibration switch (S4). When vibrations end, the

capacitor discharges through the resistors in the pivot stand

and RV2, and through the NPN transistor (Q2). The light stays

on as the capacitor discharges. RV2 also limits the current

through the LED (D10), and so affects the LED brightness.
You can make the light shut off faster after vibrations end by

disconnecting C7, or by connecting the black jumper wire

across the pivot stand.

Project 98

Color Slow Off Vibration Light

Use the preceding circuit but replace the red/yellow

bicolor LED (D10) with the color LED (D8, “+” on top).
You can also keep the red/yellow bicolor LED in the

circuit but reverse its orientation, so it makes yellow light.

Project 99

Very Slow Off Vibration Light

Use the preceding circuit with either the D8 or D10

LEDs, but replace the 1mF capacitor (C7) with the

larger 100mF capacitor (C4). The circuit works the

same but the larger capacitor will keep the LED on

longer. Set RV2 to the left side or the LED may seem

to stay on too long.

Modify the preceding circuit

to be this one. Turn on the

slide switch (S1). Bang on

the table or tap on the

vibration switch (S4) and a

light comes on. The light

stays on for a while after the

vibrations end. The lever on

the adjustable resistor




maximum light brightness

and how long the light stays

on after vibrations end; the

brighter the light, the faster

it shuts off.

Bright Slow Off

Vibration Light

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