Advanced troubleshooting, Adult supervision recommended) – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual
Page 14

Advanced Troubleshooting
(Adult supervision recommended)
is not responsible for parts
damaged due to incorrect wiring.
If you suspect you have damaged parts, you
can follow this procedure to systematically
determine which ones need replacing:
(Note: Some of these tests connect an LED directly
across the batteries without another component to
limit the current. Normally this might damage the
LED, however Snap Circuits
LEDs have internal
resistors added to protect them from incorrect
wiring, and will not be damaged.)
Color LED (D8), red/yellow bicolor LED
(D10), speaker (SP2), geared motor (GM),
and battery holder (B1):
● Place batteries in holder.
● Place the color LED directly across the
battery holder (LED + to battery +), it
should light and be changing colors.
● Place the red/yellow bicolor LED directly
across the battery holder, in both
orientations. It should light red when the
red side is to battery +, and yellow when
the yellow side is to battery +.
● “Tap” the speaker across the battery
holder contacts, you should hear static as
it touches.
● Place the geared motor directly across the
battery holder; its shaft should spin.
● If none of the above work, then replace
your batteries and repeat. If still bad, then
the battery holder is damaged. Test both
battery holders.
Red & black jumper
Use this mini-
circuit to test each
jumper wire, the LED
should light.
Snap wires:
Use this mini-circuit to test
each of the snap wires, one at a time. The
LED should light.
Slide switch (S1) and vibration switch
Use this mini-circuit; if the LED doesn’t
light then the slide switch is bad. Replace
the slide switch with the vibration switch;
tapping it should light the LED, or the
vibration switch is bad.
Light motor (M7):
Build project 3. The light
motor should spin and lights in the fan blade
should make a colorful, changing pattern.
Be sure you orient the light motor as per the
Air fountain (AF):
Build project 6, and be
sure you have good batteries. Air blown out
of the top of the air fountain should make the
ball spin around and/or rise into the air.
Pivot stand resistors:
The pivot stand has
resistors mounted inside; they can be tested
using the mini-circuit shown here. The
red/yellow LED (D10) should be bright and
the color LED (D8) should be very dim,
otherwise the pivot stand is damaged.
Adjustable resistor (RV2):
Build project
133. Move the resistor control lever to both
sides. When set to each side, one LED
should be bright and the other dim;
otherwise RV2 is bad.
NPN transistor (Q2):
Build the mini-circuit
shown here. The color LED (D8) should only
be on if the slide switch (S1) is on. If
otherwise, then Q2 is damaged.
Tilt switch (S7)
: Build this mini-circuit and
tilt it in different directions. D10 should be on
at some tilt angles, D8 should be on at other
tilt angles, and sometimes both lights are off.
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