Project 6 dancing ball, Project 9 double dancer, Project 7 high power dancing ball – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual
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Build the circuit as shown,
place the spout on the air
fountain (AF), turn on the slide
switch (S1), then place the
ball directly in the blowing air
above the air fountain. The
blowing air should balance
the ball, so it floats in the air
and “dances”. Occasionally
the ball may become unstable
and fall out; just place it back
into the air flow.
If desired, you may draw lines
or patterns on the ball. New
recommended for this project.
Project 6
Dancing Ball
Project 7
High Power Dancing Ball
Use the preceding circuit, but replace the 3-snap wire with a second
battery holder (B1). The circuit works the same but the blowing air flow
is stronger, making the ball float higher but also making it unstable. As
a result, the ball may fall out quickly.
Try replacing the ball with other small, light balls in your home and see
which ones float in the airflow.
Build this circuit, turn on the slide switch (S1), set the
switcher (S6) to either the top or bottom position, and
place the ball in the air flow above the spout on the air
fountain (AF). See how long the ball floats in the air
for each S6 setting.
The top S6 setting has stronger air flow, but it may be
too strong, causing the ball to become unstable and
fall out. The bottom S6 setting makes the air flow a
little weaker, so the ball may be more stable and float
in the air better.
Try replacing the ball with other small, light balls in
your home and see which ones float in the airflow.
Project 9
Double Dancer
Use the preceding circuit, but
replace one of the battery
holders with a 3-snap wire. The
circuit works the same but the
blowing air flow is weaker. The
ball may wiggle around without
rising into the air.
The air is being blown by a fan blade inside the
air fountain. The switcher (S6) reverses the
direction that the fan spins, but the shape of the
fan makes the air flow stronger in one direction.
Use the preceding circuit, but place your fingers or thumb in front of the
air intake on the side of the air fountain, to partially block it. You can
make the ball float lower in the air by restricting the airflow. This may
make the ball be more stable and stay in the air longer.
Place the spout
on top of the air
fountain and the
ball in the air flow.
Project 8
Human Height Control
Project 10
Low Double
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