Project 14 super motion detector, Project 15 short spin lights & sound, Project 16 louder short spin lights & sound – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual
Page 22

Assemble the circuit and place the base grid into the blue stand (with
the NPN transistor (Q2) closest to the stand) and carefully stand it up.
Position it near the edge of a table, facing across a room.
Turn on the slide switch (S1). The color LED (D8) lights and an alarm
sounds for a few seconds on start-up, and then whenever the circuit
detects motion in the room.
This circuit will work in the dark, but be careful not to hurt yourself
moving around a room in the dark.
Project 14
Super Motion Detector
Mount circuit on the blue stand and face across a room.
Build the circuit and turn on the
slide switch (S1). The light
motor (M7) spins in short bursts,
synchronized with a machine
gun-like sound.
Project 15
Short Spin Lights & Sound
Project 16
Louder Short
Spin Lights &
Use the preceding circuit but
replace the color LED (D8) with a
3-snap wire. The sound is louder
now, and the movement of the light
motor (M7) is a little different.
Objects that generate heat, including
people and animals, also produce
infrared radiation. Infrared radiation
cannot be seen with our eyes, but
can be detected.
The motion detector (U7) is designed
to detect changes in infrared radiation,
especially the type emitted by people.
The NPN transistor (Q2) acts as an
amplifier, helping the motion detector
turn on the color LED and alarm.
This is one of my
favorite circuits!
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