Project 54 strobe light – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual
Page 37

If the color LED flash rate is synchronized
with the disc rotation speed, it can appear
to “freeze” parts of the spinning disc
pattern. Also, as different colors flash,
those colors can seem to disappear.
The 1mF capacitor is used to filter the
voltage to the color LED. Without it,
electrical disturbances from the speaker
and geared motor would disrupt the color
LED’s flashing pattern.
With this disc, the white
lines are often visible
despite spinning so fast,
sometimes seem to
When red flashes on the
LED, the red spiral
disappear. This pattern
can seem hypnotizing.
With this disc, some
colors seem to disappear
at times.
Here are some effects to watch for:
Build the circuit shown. Mount the 3.3” gear on the geared motor
(GM), mount the 1.0” gear on the “+” shaped bar, place the “+”
bar into the pivot stand, and then align the position of the 1.0” gear
on the “+” shaft so the teeth of both gears mesh. Install one of the
colored discs into the merry-go-round base. Mount the merry-go-
round base onto the top of the “+” shaped bar. Connect the color
LED (D8) using the red & black jumper wires.
For best effects, do this in a dimly lit room. Turn on the slide switch
(S1). Hold the color LED upside down over the merry-go-round
base so it shines on the spinning disc. Vary the spin speed using
the lever on the adjustable resistor (RV2). If the gear slides down
the “+” bar during use then add a rubber ring to keep it in place.
Observe the effects as the color LED flashes on the disc as it
spins. Try it with different discs.
If desired, you can replace the 1.0” gear with the 1.75” gear, and
replace the 3.3” gear with the 2.55” gear. The disc will spin more
slowly now.
This pattern can seem
Hold color LED (D8)
over disc as shown.
Project 54
Strobe Light
Ledge must be
on bottom side
Slide tabs into slots.
If gear slides down “+” shaft during use
then add a rubber ring to keep it in place.
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