Project 103 slow off vibration lights, Project 101 slow off tilt lights, Project 102 very slow off tilt lights – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual

Page 55: Project 104 very slow off vibration lights

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Build the circuit and turn on the slide switch

(S1). Bang on the table or tap on the vibration

switch (S4) and lights come on. The lights stays

on for a while after the vibrations end. The lever

on the adjustable resistor (RV2) controls the

maximum light brightness and how long the

lights stays on after vibrations end; the brighter

the lights, the faster they shut off.

Project 103

Slow Off Vibration Lights

Build the circuit and turn on the slide switch (S1).

Lights comes on if the circuit is moved, or tilted

in some directions. The lights stay on for a while

after the tilt is removed. The lever on the

adjustable resistor (RV2) controls the maximum

light brightness and how long the lights stay on

after tilt is removed; the brighter the lights, the

faster they shut off.

Project 101

Slow Off Tilt Lights

Project 102

Very Slow

Off Tilt


Use the preceding circuit,

but replace the 1mF

capacitor (C7) with the

larger 100mF capacitor (C4).

The circuit works the same

but the larger capacitor will

keep the LEDs on longer.

Set RV2 to the left side or

the LED may seem to stay

on too long.

Project 104

Very Slow Off



Use the preceding circuit,

but replace the 1mF

capacitor (C7) with the

larger 100mF capacitor (C4).

The circuit works the same

but the larger capacitor will

keep the LEDs on longer.

Set RV2 to the left side or

the LED may seem to stay

on too long.


The LEDs (D8 & D10) will

not be as bright as in the

preceding circuit, because

the current (which is limited

by RV2) is divided between

them. The color LED may

only produce red light,

because red light is easier to


The LEDs (D8 & D10) will

not be as bright as in the

preceding circuit, because

the current (which is limited

by RV2) is divided between

them. The color LED may

only produce red light,

because red light is easier to


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