Project 87, Project 88 two-way circuit, Reversible merry-go-round – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual
Page 51: Project 89 low power two-way circuit

Either insert some of the cardboard figures into the 3
slots on the edge of the merry-go-round base, or install
one of the colored discs into the base. Build this circuit
and mount the merry-go-round base onto the shaft on
the geared motor (GM).
Turn on the slide switch (S1), and then make the
figures or disc change direction using the switcher (S6).
Project 87
Either insert some of the cardboard figures into the
3 slots on the edge of the merry-go-round base, or
install one of the colored discs into the base. Build
this circuit and mount the merry-go-round base
onto the shaft on the geared motor (GM).
Set the lever on the adjustable resistor (RV2) to the
right. Turn on the slide switch (S1), and use the
switcher (S6) to make things spin in different
directions and make different lights come on.
Project 88
Two-Way Circuit
Project 89
Low Power
Two-Way Circuit
Use the preceding circuit but replace one of the
battery holders (B1) with a 3-snap wire. Things
move slower now and lights are dimmer.
The light motor (M7) only
works in one direction,
due to its circuitry that
produces the light effects.
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