Project 128 human & water light, Project 130 trip-wire alarm, Project 129 conduction detector – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual
Page 65

Project 128
Human & Water Light
Build the circuit and turn on the
switch (S1). Touch the metal in
the jumper wire snaps with your
fingers; the color LED (D8)
should light. If the LED is dim or
off, hold the metal more tightly
or wet your fingers.
Next, place the loose ends of
the jumper wires in a cup of
water, make sure the metal
parts aren’t touching each other.
The water should light the LED.
Don’t drink any water used
Use the preceding circuit but replace the color LED (D8) with
the red/yellow bicolor LED (D10, oriented in either direction).
Touch it with your fingers and put it in water as in the
preceding project. Next, touch the ends of the jumper wires
to different materials in your home, and see which ones light
the LED.
The color LED can be used instead of the red/yellow LED,
but the red/yellow LED isn’t changing colors, so may be
easier to compare if the LED only lights dimly.
Project 130
Trip-Wire Alarm
Build the circuit shown and turn on the slide switch (S1). Nothing
happens. Break the black jumper wire connection and an alarm sounds.
You could replace the black jumper wire with a longer wire and run it
across a doorway to signal an alarm when someone enters.
You can change the sound by using a 1-snap wire and a 2-snap wire to
make a connection across points A & B, or A & D, or B & C.
Project 129
Conduction Detector
Materials like metal conduct electricity
well and will light the LED. Plastics,
wood, and fabrics are poor conductors
and will not light the LED.
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