Project 45 merry-go-round with music & light, Project 46 fast merry-go-round with music & light – Elenco Snap Circuits Motion User Manual

Page 33

background image

Insert some of the cardboard figures into

the 3 slots on the edge of the merry-go-

round base (the figures may need to be

punched out of a cardboard sheet). Build

this circuit and mount the merry-go-

round base onto the shaft on the geared

motor (GM).
Turn on the slide switch (S1) and watch

the show!
You can change the sound by removing

the 1-snap and 2-snap wires that are at

point A, or by moving them to be across

points B & C, or across points A & D.

Project 45

Merry-Go-Round with

Music & Light

Insert some of the cardboard figures into

the 3 slots on the edge of the merry-go-

round base (the figures may need to be

punched out of a cardboard sheet). Build

this circuit and mount the merry-go-

round base onto the shaft on the geared

motor (GM).
Turn on the slide switch (S1) and watch

the show!
You can change the sound by removing

the 1-snap and 2-snap wires that are at

point A, or by moving them to be across

points B & C, or across points A & D.

Project 46

Fast Merry-Go-Round

with Music & Light


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